

  2017年3月份ACCA考试越来越近了,为了帮助大家在此次考试中尽可能的获取更多的分数,今天财经梦ACCA小编和大家分享一下里德商学院Jenny Winstanley的文章,看看他是如何提高ACCA考试分数的!



  2.在问题的每一个动词上画圈,identify, describe, "give" the reasons, analyze,"write" a report……确定考官一句话里到底有多少个要求。



  5.注意report,letter的格式 ,题头,署名,尽可能地每部分加小标题。letter后也可以说说客套话,比如“如若有什么问题,请和我保持联络……”可以使用“你”“我”等人称,让答案更像一个letter.



  8.如果可能,表格运算和financial statments最好不要跨页,在一页内完成。左面做表,右面纸写分析,尽可能避免一直前后翻页。若有整卷答完有剩余时间,不会的题就算写写nonsense也好。不让任何一道题空白。理论如果不会写的话,就写个例子。让人知道你会用这个理论,总好过完全不写。


  10.ACCA考试尽可能避免错别字和语法错误,虽然这并不特别重要,一个好的印象可能得到professional marks。

  Currently,most accountancy exams–apart from computer-based ones–have to be answered in booklets which are then scanned and marked by humans on a computer.Examiners and markers alike constantly criticise the layout and quality of students’scripts.


  Accountancy exams are professional and therefore answers need to look professional,but with time pressure in exam conditions this key requirement is often lost.

  It is essential to follow a few easy rules which will help the marker when marking your script:


  Always use a black ballpoint pen.This is because all scripts are scanned and the best colour to show up is black.A number of students insist on using gel pens but once scanned the marks made by them can smudge and even go through pages,affecting what’s underneath.


  Never write in the margins.One side is cut off by the scanning machine and the other side is where the marker annotates the allocation of marks awarded.

  Abbreviations are totally acceptable in workings,but workings themselves need to be followed,so a little narrative is required to make them logical.Ensure you space them out sufficiently,and all workings should be numbered and answers crossed referenced to them.

  If for some reason you have not left enough space for something,then help the marker by cross referencing to the page where you have completed the rest of the answer

  All questions should start on a new page and you should aim to start each part of a question or each issue(if applicable to the question)on a new page.

  Make use of subheadings.This makes your answers automatically more logical and much easier to mark.If the requirement or the question numbers different parts,eg a),b)or(i),(ii)then use the same numbering in your answer

  If your handwriting is small you need to aim to write as large as you can.When your script is scanned it is reduced in size to accommodate the marking package which takes up a third of the marking screen.Yes,the marker can zoom in,but then they are unable to view a complete line of text.

  If you know you have untidy handwriting then write using double spacing(that is write on alternative lines).

  The key to success in exams is to have answers that look professional–that is include structure,space and subheadings.

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